RESCUE Night® is a combination of the five Bach Original Flower Essences found in RESCUE® plus the Bach Original Flower Essence of White Chestnut. This essence has traditionally been used to help switch off the mind from unwanted, repetitive thoughts. These flower essences combine in RESCUE Night® to help you enjoy a natural night's sleep. The RESCUE Night® range, is convenient to use and can be left on your bedside locker for when you need it most.

Available from health stores and pharmacies nationwide.

Rock Rose- For when you are overwhelmed by fear or feel greatly alarmed.

Impatiens- For when you feel impatient with the slow pace of people or things.

Clematis- For when you are experiencing inattentiveness.

Star of Bethlehem- For the after effect of shock or grief.

Cherry Plum- For the fear you might lose control/irrational thoughts.

White Chestnut- helps to switch off the mind from unwanted, repetitive thoughts.


Benefits & features:

  • RESCUE Night® is suitable for all the family to use
  • Convenient to use
  • Alcohol-free
  • Non-habit forming and does not contain any sedatives
  • Can help you get a natural night’s sleep
  • Suitable for vegans



  • Do not store above 25°C
  • Always read the label
  • Do not exceed recommended dosage
  • If sleeplessness persists please consult your doctor
  • Keep out of the sight and reach of children
  • RESCUE Night® is available in a Spray, Dropper and liquid melts

Size: 10ml | 20ml | 10ml | 28 capsules

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